Monday, July 9, 2007

Girl's Vacation

So tomorrow is the start of Emma and my mini vacation. She is having surgery, and I am enjoying the clean bathroom. :)

Here is what she is having done.

I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be. I don't know why. Maybe it's the 6th time in a year. Maybe I'm in denial. Maybe she isn't worried at all, so I'm not. She even asked me a bit ago, if we could go right now, to the hospital!

We did the pre-surgery class last Thursday. She LOVED it! Her favorite part was learning she will get the IV when she is asleep!

I'm really most excited to spend some one on one time with her. WITHOUT the boys. Jack has taken up SO MUCH of my time, more then a regular baby. I have such mommy guilt over the time spent with Jack, and being too tired from that time spent, to spend any quality time with her.

I know she is having surgery, and it's not a little one. BUT, I will have no one else to take care of but her. I am excited to dote on her. I know she is excited to get away from the boys. But she is excited for them to come visit too!

And can I tell you how different it is to pack for a child, not a baby, to go to the hospital? Even for myself. Jack is pretty high maintenance, when he is in the hospital. But I think she will sleep alot! So I'm bringing a couple of books, and my best friend the laptop here.

So, she'll probably be getting out of surgery around 4:oo pm ish. I'll update as soon as she is out!

Until, then...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I don't blame you for being excited for the alone time!! most little kids bounce back fast from surgery, so it will most likely really be a chance to just have Mommy-and-Emma time. I eagerly await word on how it went!