Saturday, August 11, 2007


I went to my friend Tasha's house today, and we got some CUTE pictures!!

Here is the link, and you can see more of HER pictures... And her blog is here. Check it out, and if your in Salt Lake, or close by, contact her to do your photos!! But hurry, she is large with child and getting may have to wait till she pops, in November!!

But these are some of my favorite..and there are more to come! I can't wait to show you what we did, it's kind of a project!! Be excited!!

He was TOTALLY done. Right after this picture, he started crying. It sad and cute!!

We were TRYING to get them to look at us, but this came out SO cute!!

So pretty, even with staples in her head!!


Kelli's Family said...

Oh my gosh, what precious pictures! I'm excited to meet your family Thursday! :)

Mel said...

Cute kids! Hope you are having a great weekend:)

Tasha Challis said...

LOL! Thanks for the "plug" I especially liked the part about "large with child" LOL. I am so glad you liked them. I still adore the one with Jack! He is so calming to be around! See you later today.