Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I know why I can't sleep

It's 4:54am. I just realized, I probably can't sleep, because 5 years ago right now, and all night long, I was in labor, wondering why I had chosen to "go natural". Oye.

I had an appointment to check her fluid levels, and such. And the said the dreaded..."You're not going home." My first reaction was, "Can I go buy a diaper bag first? I'm not ready!" Of course they said no, and made fun of me.

She was fine, but my blood pressure was too high. My Mom had taken me, because I had a habit at that point, of going to appointments, and being told that. And Parker who was 5 at the time, was with us. It was in the afternoon, and he fallen asleep in the car on the way up there. So my Mom had to put him in a wheelchair, to get him up to my appointment. He slept though the whole appointment, and announcement. And I pushed him in the wheelchair over to Labor and Delivery, and told them I was there to have a baby. I can't tell you the funny looks I got. Once we got settled in, and they were all getting ready to leave, Parker curled up on the pull out bed, and said "Good Night!". To this day, it cracks me up! We explained the Mommy had to work really hard to get Emma to come out, and he was going home with Gramma.

So they started the induction at around 5:oo pm. All night long, they were slow and steady. We went for walks, around the floor, which only got more and more depressing, cuz every time we left our room, another room was empty.

I was doing SO great.Was totally on top of my contractions. We had chosen Hypnobirthing, and about 12 hours, it was amazing. Then around 7 am I hit transition, and lost it. Lost control, lost my mind, everything. I asked if I could get in the tub, maybe that would help. So they filled it up, and just before I went to get in, my midwife said, "Go to the bathroom first and I'll check you. So I do, and she says, "YOU'RE DONE!!!" I was like WHAT? Can't I get in the tub first? Um no...not gonna happen. I can still feel the warmth of the totally filled Jaccuzi, next to me. I felt bad too, for wasting all that water. Besides the fact, I had pushed for 2 hours with Parker.

After about 20 mins. the midwife said, reach down, and "Grab your baby!" I got to PULL EMMA OUT! I have it on video, don't worry, I won't put it on Youtube. It was one of the most glorious events of my life. She was SO BEAUTIFUL!!! And I had done it on MY TERMS!!! I cry EVERYTIME, I watch it.

This day is SO MUCH MORE than just Emma's birthday. It's the day I celebrate my perfect birth, and starting my life with the perfect daughter!!! ( I know, she's only five) ;)

1 comment:

Camille said...

I always wanted an Emma... but my hubby says no. Maybe someday I'll get one. I'm jealous you have a girl. Maybe one day I'll get one of them too :)