I know...again...
Emma's birthday is on Tuesday! She will be 5 on the 5th!!! So it's a big one!! I wanted to do lots of things to make it special, so we are going to be in the studio audience of Good Things Utah. So she can be on TV for reall this time! So if you're in Utah, and you get this in time...watch for us!! It's ABC, at 10:00 am. Of course I will try figure out how to get it to you...
Pray for me, that I can get her hair to stay static free...Oh my...it makes me INSANE!!!
Oh, and the Boys and I went to Pres. Hinckley's Viewing. There are really no words, but I will work on it, and figure out a way to share it with you. We spent the whole evening on Temple Square. I'll tell you one thing Parker said. He said walking past Pres. Hinckley, he felt like Pres. Hinckley gave everyone who came, a little bit of his power or faith or something.Wow...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
200th Post!!!!!
So I wanted to mark my 200th post in a cool way. I've been having a rough time lately, so I thought I would make a list of 200 things that bring me Joy. They are not really for you... but for me, to look back on. Isn't that what a Blog/Journal is all about? For the record I started it on Jan 9th, and finished it today, Jan 29th. I was going to organize them, but thought it was a little peak into the way I think...can you say ADD???
Things with an * have made me cry on at least one occasion:
1 twix
2 twizzlers
3 when Ellen has "Normal" people on her show!
4 shiney hair
5 being called princess
6 * nick's laughter
7 * jacks giggle
8 * blogging
9 taking pictures of the kids
10 snow covered trees
11 freshly shoveled sidewalk
12 brand new socks
13 jeans that covers the boys bums
14 * american idol
15 dancing with the stars
16 * greys anatomy
17 Barry Manilow
18 Ewan McGragor
19 Patrick Dempsey
20 * Kristine Chenowyth
21 when Dad plays games with the kids
22 lines in the carpet after vaccumming
23 shiney clean car
24 The week, two weeks after,and two weeks before a new haircut.
25 the sound of snow plows going by, while I'm still in bed
26 the sound of the car pulling out of the driveway, with ALL the kids in it, and I'm in the house
27 the sound of the heat coming on, when it's cold
28 silence
29 marshmellos
30 skittles
31 new bras
32 mashed pots and gravy
33 DVR
34 digital TV
35 the abitlity to rewind, and fast forward, TV
36 * babies asleep on me
37 * friends named Jamie. I have LOTS that I LOVE!!
38 Star Wars
39 Dumb and dumber
40 netflix
41 giraffes
42 the stress of christmas is over
43 the mountains
44 a full moon
45 sunsets
46 * cards, from loved ones
47 brand new crayons
48 being on tv
49 olive garden
50 wendy's
51 taco bell
52 carls jr
53 baby sneezes
54 * in utero hiccups
55 the first time some asks if your pregnant
56 first kisses
57 * feeling the spirit
58 11:00 church
59 * people who love me
60 when I fix something by myself
61 planning little kids bday parties
62 sometimes….nakedness
63 my body pillow
64 off buttons on toys that make noise
65 loud and louder buttons, on toys that make noise
66 lounge pants that feel like a blanket
67 silence, in the middle of the day
68 when all the kids are asleep
69 the perfect shade of pink
70 when someone brings me dinner, and my kids like it
71 when Papa Johns or Dominoes knocks on the Door
72 * donny osmond
73 * mormon tabernacle choir
74 * singing in a beautiful hall
75 * when people are generous, towards me
76 when I get free tickets for a play
77 when jack shows me his belly
78 when I see the scar on his belly, that reminds me he has a shunt, that saved his life
79 * Jacks cleft lip
80 getting out of the shower to a freshly washed towel, straight out of the dryer, still warm
81 getting in touch with people you thought you had lost.
82 parker retelling me something funny that happened
83 emma talking about Dane
84 helping someone in need
85 * suprising my mom
86 my husbands face
87 jumping into a pool when it's 100 + degrees
88 going to dinner with girl friends
89 * nick, parker, emma, jack
90 those really really really soft blankets
91 talking to my nieces on the phone
92 instant messenger
93 silly emails
94 * when emma has empathy
95 * when jack has empathy
96 * thinking about my time at BYU
97 my cozy bed
98 great color of lip gloss
99 singing with an orchestra
100 singing in a choir
101 crawling into bed, and falling asleep right away
102 getting to sleep in
103 * when my phone rings, and it's someone I love
104 taking off my pants, and putting on sweats
105 * feeling the spirit when you least expect it
106 buying stuff on SALE!!!
107 Old Navy's 75 % off sale
108 holding SOMEONE ELSES newborn
109 a surprise IM from a friend
110 how much Emma loves my mom
111 When Jack hands me the remote, cuz he wants to watch Singing time!
112 when people do what I ask, when I ask it
113 * when some one asks "how are you" and means it
114 babies in soft jammies
115 * the American Idol theme Song
116 * Mack Wilberg Arrangments
117 * Wicked
118 * Suessical
119 * Joseph
120 watching skinny girls hurt themselves exersising
121 tap water in the winter
122 Pampered Chef Quick stir pitcher
123 * looking at pictures of Jack, before his lip repair
124 hairspray you use
125 "Hairspray" the movie
126 bar soaps becoming obsulete
127 * when I can repeat lines of movies my kids…have never seen before. They think I'm psychic!
128 * feeling the spirit, in a secular meeting
129 * peeing after you've been holding it too long
130 googling someone you love, and finding them
131 having a connection with someone you have just met, because they also have a child with special needs
132 * making out with someone you are totally in love with
133 making out in general, but it's been a while! ;) can you say NCMO?
134 laughing till your face hurts
135 when I'm in front of a crowd, and I make eye contect with someone, and we exchange a warm smile!
136 freshly shaved legs, on me…of course
137 emma's smile
138 when emma brings me a drink, and I didn't ask her too!
139 taking the perfect picture/catching the moment exactly
140 sleeping pills
141 * when I realize my headache has gone away
142 when I perform a beautiful song, and it makes someone cry. I Loved it when I sang to my gramma, and she would cry.
143 roller skating
144 waking up to a foot of snow
145 when the boys shovel
146 Thinking about all that the I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH made happen
147 an empty dishwasher, and full dish cupboards
148 a new pair of pants
149 a new shirt, that fits perfectly, and you didn't try it on in the store!
150 an UNINTERRUPTED hot shower, ALONE
151 skor bars
152 ice cream with candy or cookies in it
153 girl scout cookies- Samoas, tagalongs, and thin mints
154 * when Emma's hair has NO STATIC!!!
155 when my mom is proud of me
156 signing time
157 when jack falls asleep the FIRST time I try
158 when I go to put on my shoes, and they are right where I thought they were…BOTH of them
159 finding the perfect purse
160 when Jack whines at Nick to pick him up
161 acrylic nails, on ME
162 water, in a plastic cup only
163 baby animals
164 the muppets theme song
165 * songs from the 80's
166 when I meet someone with some of the same DX's as Jack
167 cheesecake
168 Oreo Snacksters
169 orange chicken from Panda Express
170 * watching babies being born, on tv, I cry everytime
171 Watching Emma's birth, it is over whelming, in a good way
172 when someone says to me…"You clean up good!" although…maybe it means I should look nice more often ;)
173 when Elizabeth Hasselbeck says, what I was thinking!!
174 when Simon says, what I just said!!
175 * when I pick Jack up, and he puts his head on my shoulder
176 * Extreme Makeover Home Edition
177 * ER, the TV show…NOT the place
178 * Friends, I can tell you what happens on every episode, in the first 30 sec, and repeat line from it
179 * "Beaches" the movie
180 * Beaches you go to
181 The Atonment
182 jammies with feet
183 singing for old people
185 LR, LC, MW, SF, BP, NB, NK, RW, JS, ST, TG, VW, BB, PP, TB, ND, DJW, EC, KJ, HR, JB, KP
186 Shriner's, everytime
187 taking a nap in the middle of the day, and actually sleeping
188 When DH brings home dinner
189 impromtu get togethers with friends
190 carmel apple empanada's
191 learning a new song, being directed by the composer, and it's the first time HE'S heard it, NOT in his head
192 a kitty purring, just cuz you're in the room.
193 when I go to the ER with an agenda, and they agree!!!
194 * going to the temple, and seeing someone you love there
195 people with personality, AND no ACCENT, working the drive thru
196 When I call my Dr office, and the nurse in triage knows me, but most importantly...Jack
197 * Pictures of the savior, drawn in a way I can personalize Him.
198 * mens choir singing 4 parts
199 Walking through a room, and not stepping on something
200 Looking at this list, when I'm having a particularly crappy day, and realizing how many things acutally bring me joy!!!
Things with an * have made me cry on at least one occasion:
1 twix
2 twizzlers
3 when Ellen has "Normal" people on her show!
4 shiney hair
5 being called princess
6 * nick's laughter
7 * jacks giggle
8 * blogging
9 taking pictures of the kids
10 snow covered trees
11 freshly shoveled sidewalk
12 brand new socks
13 jeans that covers the boys bums
14 * american idol
15 dancing with the stars
16 * greys anatomy
17 Barry Manilow
18 Ewan McGragor
19 Patrick Dempsey
20 * Kristine Chenowyth
21 when Dad plays games with the kids
22 lines in the carpet after vaccumming
23 shiney clean car
24 The week, two weeks after,and two weeks before a new haircut.
25 the sound of snow plows going by, while I'm still in bed
26 the sound of the car pulling out of the driveway, with ALL the kids in it, and I'm in the house
27 the sound of the heat coming on, when it's cold
28 silence
29 marshmellos
30 skittles
31 new bras
32 mashed pots and gravy
33 DVR
34 digital TV
35 the abitlity to rewind, and fast forward, TV
36 * babies asleep on me
37 * friends named Jamie. I have LOTS that I LOVE!!
38 Star Wars
39 Dumb and dumber
40 netflix
41 giraffes
42 the stress of christmas is over
43 the mountains
44 a full moon
45 sunsets
46 * cards, from loved ones
47 brand new crayons
48 being on tv
49 olive garden
50 wendy's
51 taco bell
52 carls jr
53 baby sneezes
54 * in utero hiccups
55 the first time some asks if your pregnant
56 first kisses
57 * feeling the spirit
58 11:00 church
59 * people who love me
60 when I fix something by myself
61 planning little kids bday parties
62 sometimes….nakedness
63 my body pillow
64 off buttons on toys that make noise
65 loud and louder buttons, on toys that make noise
66 lounge pants that feel like a blanket
67 silence, in the middle of the day
68 when all the kids are asleep
69 the perfect shade of pink
70 when someone brings me dinner, and my kids like it
71 when Papa Johns or Dominoes knocks on the Door
72 * donny osmond
73 * mormon tabernacle choir
74 * singing in a beautiful hall
75 * when people are generous, towards me
76 when I get free tickets for a play
77 when jack shows me his belly
78 when I see the scar on his belly, that reminds me he has a shunt, that saved his life
79 * Jacks cleft lip
80 getting out of the shower to a freshly washed towel, straight out of the dryer, still warm
81 getting in touch with people you thought you had lost.
82 parker retelling me something funny that happened
83 emma talking about Dane
84 helping someone in need
85 * suprising my mom
86 my husbands face
87 jumping into a pool when it's 100 + degrees
88 going to dinner with girl friends
89 * nick, parker, emma, jack
90 those really really really soft blankets
91 talking to my nieces on the phone
92 instant messenger
93 silly emails
94 * when emma has empathy
95 * when jack has empathy
96 * thinking about my time at BYU
97 my cozy bed
98 great color of lip gloss
99 singing with an orchestra
100 singing in a choir
101 crawling into bed, and falling asleep right away
102 getting to sleep in
103 * when my phone rings, and it's someone I love
104 taking off my pants, and putting on sweats
105 * feeling the spirit when you least expect it
106 buying stuff on SALE!!!
107 Old Navy's 75 % off sale
108 holding SOMEONE ELSES newborn
109 a surprise IM from a friend
110 how much Emma loves my mom
111 When Jack hands me the remote, cuz he wants to watch Singing time!
112 when people do what I ask, when I ask it
113 * when some one asks "how are you" and means it
114 babies in soft jammies
115 * the American Idol theme Song
116 * Mack Wilberg Arrangments
117 * Wicked
118 * Suessical
119 * Joseph
120 watching skinny girls hurt themselves exersising
121 tap water in the winter
122 Pampered Chef Quick stir pitcher
123 * looking at pictures of Jack, before his lip repair
124 hairspray you use
125 "Hairspray" the movie
126 bar soaps becoming obsulete
127 * when I can repeat lines of movies my kids…have never seen before. They think I'm psychic!
128 * feeling the spirit, in a secular meeting
129 * peeing after you've been holding it too long
130 googling someone you love, and finding them
131 having a connection with someone you have just met, because they also have a child with special needs
132 * making out with someone you are totally in love with
133 making out in general, but it's been a while! ;) can you say NCMO?
134 laughing till your face hurts
135 when I'm in front of a crowd, and I make eye contect with someone, and we exchange a warm smile!
136 freshly shaved legs, on me…of course
137 emma's smile
138 when emma brings me a drink, and I didn't ask her too!
139 taking the perfect picture/catching the moment exactly
140 sleeping pills
141 * when I realize my headache has gone away
142 when I perform a beautiful song, and it makes someone cry. I Loved it when I sang to my gramma, and she would cry.
143 roller skating
144 waking up to a foot of snow
145 when the boys shovel
146 Thinking about all that the I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH made happen
147 an empty dishwasher, and full dish cupboards
148 a new pair of pants
149 a new shirt, that fits perfectly, and you didn't try it on in the store!
150 an UNINTERRUPTED hot shower, ALONE
151 skor bars
152 ice cream with candy or cookies in it
153 girl scout cookies- Samoas, tagalongs, and thin mints
154 * when Emma's hair has NO STATIC!!!
155 when my mom is proud of me
156 signing time
157 when jack falls asleep the FIRST time I try
158 when I go to put on my shoes, and they are right where I thought they were…BOTH of them
159 finding the perfect purse
160 when Jack whines at Nick to pick him up
161 acrylic nails, on ME
162 water, in a plastic cup only
163 baby animals
164 the muppets theme song
165 * songs from the 80's
166 when I meet someone with some of the same DX's as Jack
167 cheesecake
168 Oreo Snacksters
169 orange chicken from Panda Express
170 * watching babies being born, on tv, I cry everytime
171 Watching Emma's birth, it is over whelming, in a good way
172 when someone says to me…"You clean up good!" although…maybe it means I should look nice more often ;)
173 when Elizabeth Hasselbeck says, what I was thinking!!
174 when Simon says, what I just said!!
175 * when I pick Jack up, and he puts his head on my shoulder
176 * Extreme Makeover Home Edition
177 * ER, the TV show…NOT the place
178 * Friends, I can tell you what happens on every episode, in the first 30 sec, and repeat line from it
179 * "Beaches" the movie
180 * Beaches you go to
181 The Atonment
182 jammies with feet
183 singing for old people
185 LR, LC, MW, SF, BP, NB, NK, RW, JS, ST, TG, VW, BB, PP, TB, ND, DJW, EC, KJ, HR, JB, KP
186 Shriner's, everytime
187 taking a nap in the middle of the day, and actually sleeping
188 When DH brings home dinner
189 impromtu get togethers with friends
190 carmel apple empanada's
191 learning a new song, being directed by the composer, and it's the first time HE'S heard it, NOT in his head
192 a kitty purring, just cuz you're in the room.
193 when I go to the ER with an agenda, and they agree!!!
194 * going to the temple, and seeing someone you love there
195 people with personality, AND no ACCENT, working the drive thru
196 When I call my Dr office, and the nurse in triage knows me, but most importantly...Jack
197 * Pictures of the savior, drawn in a way I can personalize Him.
198 * mens choir singing 4 parts
199 Walking through a room, and not stepping on something
200 Looking at this list, when I'm having a particularly crappy day, and realizing how many things acutally bring me joy!!!
How stupid are we?
I mean really. Well I guess the question is really... How stupid do they THINK we are? I get these emails all the time. This one was so great, I thought I'd share it with you all...
Good day,
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your bank draft but did not hear from you since that time then i went and deposited the $1.200,000.00 usd draft/cheque in the bank.We have arranged your payment through swift card payment center Asia pacific, this card center will send you an atm card which you will use to withdraw your money in any atm machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is One Thousand, Five Hundred United States Dollars Per-Day.
Kindly contact the below person who is in possition to release your ATM Payment Card.Send your information which they will use to send the card to you.
1::Your full name::
2::Your home address were you them to send the atmcard::
3::Current occupation::
5::Your current home telephone number/mobile phone number:: ::
6::A Copy of your identification::
However, kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your atm card.
Chief Obong Koffi Director,
ATM Payment Department Sgbb Bank- Benin
Avenue Clozel, 01 BP 585 Cotonou, République du Bénin.
Tel : +229 97522 663
Email: info.sgbbenin_bankbj@yahoo.fr
I have paid for the processing and delivery charges.the only money that your are going to pay to them is only $255 dollars which they will use to obtain the affidevit of onwership from the federal high court of Benin Republic.
Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the processing of your card before your draft gets expired .
Let me know as soon as you receive your card.
Wait for your respond. and your Urgent Call.
Alfred G. John
Really...Do people actually fall for this crap? I mean, even with out all the warnings, and those hysterical commercials, warning against this crap. Wouldn't you NOT fall for it?
The thing that sucks is...when you are trying to do good, people think it's a scam. How do we keep from being scammed. How do we find the balance between who to trust and who not to trust. Have you ever made a deal with a friend, that went sour? It's hard to know why, or if it was intentional, or just happened. Ya know? Maybe I'm naive, but I think people are generally good hearted, and set out with the best of intentions, and something goes horribly wrong.
I don't know. It's learning the balance...again... of thinking everyone is "fine", but then, not like a freak that trusts no one. I just hate the world that we have created. I was thinking the other day, how I remember a time when you could open a bottle of syrup, and pour. Not have to stop and take of the "seal". I remember when as kids, we could play outdoors all day, with no cell phones, and our parents didn't know where we were. When you could accept a ride from a stranger. When you could just trust people, no questions asked.
Yuck... sometimes I hate the times we live in. BUT...we have cell phones, and shunts, and NICU's, and GREAT things on the internet. I guess we just have to go into things with our eyes wide open, and our hearts guarded, just a little bit.
Good day,
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your bank draft but did not hear from you since that time then i went and deposited the $1.200,000.00 usd draft/cheque in the bank.We have arranged your payment through swift card payment center Asia pacific, this card center will send you an atm card which you will use to withdraw your money in any atm machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is One Thousand, Five Hundred United States Dollars Per-Day.
Kindly contact the below person who is in possition to release your ATM Payment Card.Send your information which they will use to send the card to you.
1::Your full name::
2::Your home address were you them to send the atmcard::
3::Current occupation::
5::Your current home telephone number/mobile phone number:: ::
6::A Copy of your identification::
However, kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your atm card.
Chief Obong Koffi Director,
ATM Payment Department Sgbb Bank- Benin
Avenue Clozel, 01 BP 585 Cotonou, République du Bénin.
Tel : +229 97522 663
Email: info.sgbbenin_bankbj@yahoo.fr
I have paid for the processing and delivery charges.the only money that your are going to pay to them is only $255 dollars which they will use to obtain the affidevit of onwership from the federal high court of Benin Republic.
Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the processing of your card before your draft gets expired .
Let me know as soon as you receive your card.
Wait for your respond. and your Urgent Call.
Alfred G. John
Really...Do people actually fall for this crap? I mean, even with out all the warnings, and those hysterical commercials, warning against this crap. Wouldn't you NOT fall for it?
The thing that sucks is...when you are trying to do good, people think it's a scam. How do we keep from being scammed. How do we find the balance between who to trust and who not to trust. Have you ever made a deal with a friend, that went sour? It's hard to know why, or if it was intentional, or just happened. Ya know? Maybe I'm naive, but I think people are generally good hearted, and set out with the best of intentions, and something goes horribly wrong.
I don't know. It's learning the balance...again... of thinking everyone is "fine", but then, not like a freak that trusts no one. I just hate the world that we have created. I was thinking the other day, how I remember a time when you could open a bottle of syrup, and pour. Not have to stop and take of the "seal". I remember when as kids, we could play outdoors all day, with no cell phones, and our parents didn't know where we were. When you could accept a ride from a stranger. When you could just trust people, no questions asked.
Yuck... sometimes I hate the times we live in. BUT...we have cell phones, and shunts, and NICU's, and GREAT things on the internet. I guess we just have to go into things with our eyes wide open, and our hearts guarded, just a little bit.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Random thoughts
I wanted to tell you a few things.
~About Pres. Hinckley's passing... SO MANY neat stories. Here are a couple, you might not have heard about if you don't live in Utah. This one was about how teens did what they could to show their respect. This one was so sweet, it brought me to tears. Not hard lately, but still, it was nice. Be sure to watch the video. The funeral is on Sat. and he will lie in state, Thursday till then. I hope we can go. It's one of those once in a lifetime things ya know?
On a completely different note...
~The kids wanted to play spoons, and this time, Emma decided she would play. To guarantee she would continue to play, we/I made sure she won, the first few hands. Then I was trying to let her play by herself. Let me see if I can paint the picture.
She had 3 six's. I was watching, waiting for that last six. 'Cuz when you g
et 4 of a kind, you grab a spoon. So Parker also knew she was close, and he was actually the one who gave her the last six. So Parker and I, both know she has all 4. She hadn't figured it out yet. So I'm watching her, as she gingerly separates them, so she can see what she has. All the while Parker is saying..."Emma, when you get 4, get a spoon." over and over. She continues to fan them, FINALLY gets them fanned out, and we are all waiting for her to grab a spoon. Then...she starts to count them... (in a whisper-totally unaware we are all staring at her) pointing at each card... one... two... three... four... Then her face lit up, and she looked down...realizing she had to grab a spoon, before anyone else did, and SNATCHED it...cackling all the while! Then Parker and I grabbed ours, and left Nick in the dust!! She was SO proud of herself! Oh...my... goodness... I was laughing so hard, there were tears, and no noise. *sigh*
Just now, she said to me, "Are Dragons real?" I said no. "Are tigers real?" Yes. "Are giants real?" No. "Phew!" ...oh that girl...
~Jack did the sign for "
hurt" today! I was SO shocked! We do SO MANY signs with him. He only has like maybe 5 signs he does spontaneously. You know, like on his own, without being prompted. He does: drink, more, fish, shoes, and pig (for every animal) He copies a ton, and recognizes even more. It's frustrating, cuz i feel like he's not doing as much as he could, and exciting when he actually does it. As far as words...um...ya. Mom, Huh?, Uh oh, ya that would be it. We are going to try increasing his speech therapy from 2 to 3 times a month. We also started MusikGarten at Early Intervention. So far(we've been 3 times)...he just sits on my lap. But I think that will help his speech too. There are other kids his age talking, AND... he LOVES music and dancing. So we'll see...
~Guess who picked the glue off...well, it wasn't me!! haha, luckily, it has healed nicely! Probably cuz it wasn't that big to begin with!! *rolling eyes at myself*
~And...we are having the most GLORIOUS snow!! Oh how I love it. Monday we were BLASTED!!! Still have like 6 inches in the backyard. They say tonight...while I'm sleeping :) ...we'll get 3-6 more! And more the end of the week! WOO HOO!!! Seriously love it!! I'll get a picture in the AM!!! Cuz I know you can't wait to see it! ;)
~About Pres. Hinckley's passing... SO MANY neat stories. Here are a couple, you might not have heard about if you don't live in Utah. This one was about how teens did what they could to show their respect. This one was so sweet, it brought me to tears. Not hard lately, but still, it was nice. Be sure to watch the video. The funeral is on Sat. and he will lie in state, Thursday till then. I hope we can go. It's one of those once in a lifetime things ya know?
On a completely different note...
~The kids wanted to play spoons, and this time, Emma decided she would play. To guarantee she would continue to play, we/I made sure she won, the first few hands. Then I was trying to let her play by herself. Let me see if I can paint the picture.
She had 3 six's. I was watching, waiting for that last six. 'Cuz when you g

Just now, she said to me, "Are Dragons real?" I said no. "Are tigers real?" Yes. "Are giants real?" No. "Phew!" ...oh that girl...
~Jack did the sign for "

~Guess who picked the glue off...well, it wasn't me!! haha, luckily, it has healed nicely! Probably cuz it wasn't that big to begin with!! *rolling eyes at myself*
~And...we are having the most GLORIOUS snow!! Oh how I love it. Monday we were BLASTED!!! Still have like 6 inches in the backyard. They say tonight...while I'm sleeping :) ...we'll get 3-6 more! And more the end of the week! WOO HOO!!! Seriously love it!! I'll get a picture in the AM!!! Cuz I know you can't wait to see it! ;)
Monday, January 28, 2008
God's Will
I've been thinking a lot lately, about seeing the Lord's hand in things. This talk really struck me the first time I heard it. I hope you'll take time to either read it, or reread it.
At the Birth Defects Conference last week, Rachel Coleman spoke beautifully about her daughters, and how much she believed they had greatness in them. When the doctors kept telling them otherwise. This is a song she wrote for Lucy, who has spina bifida, and CP, But I think it applies to ALL of us. She said how one day, she saw a caterpillar, and thought, "I wonder if that little caterpillar knows what it is about to become?" I think so many of us, think we are only a caterpillar, and being a butterfly is way out of our reach. This song, reminds us, to believe we can be anything we want to be.
I have said this before, but I am SO thankful for my little Jack. Because of him, I have had so many amazing experiences, I never would have had. I have always know he was sent to me on purpose, and was special ordered with his 12 birth defects.
The other day, Shanna, talked about her feelings and shared this song. I hadn't heard it before, and I am SO GLAD she brought it to my attention. It is SO beautiful, and sums up exactly, what I'm meekly trying to say! Take a minute and listen to it. But get a tissue first. :) Thank you Shanna, and Martina!!
At the Birth Defects Conference last week, Rachel Coleman spoke beautifully about her daughters, and how much she believed they had greatness in them. When the doctors kept telling them otherwise. This is a song she wrote for Lucy, who has spina bifida, and CP, But I think it applies to ALL of us. She said how one day, she saw a caterpillar, and thought, "I wonder if that little caterpillar knows what it is about to become?" I think so many of us, think we are only a caterpillar, and being a butterfly is way out of our reach. This song, reminds us, to believe we can be anything we want to be.
I have said this before, but I am SO thankful for my little Jack. Because of him, I have had so many amazing experiences, I never would have had. I have always know he was sent to me on purpose, and was special ordered with his 12 birth defects.
The other day, Shanna, talked about her feelings and shared this song. I hadn't heard it before, and I am SO GLAD she brought it to my attention. It is SO beautiful, and sums up exactly, what I'm meekly trying to say! Take a minute and listen to it. But get a tissue first. :) Thank you Shanna, and Martina!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Together again

Our Dear Prophet has finally joined his sweet wife.
There was breaking news @ 8:03 pm...
President Gorden B Hinckley passed away at 7:00 pm at home, surrounded by his family.
How we will miss his wit, and his immense love for everyone, that you could feel when he entered the room. What a legacy he has left. What a glorious reunion must be going on in heaven...
Just imagine!
Think I'm cool...wontcha?
At the risk of being pretentious...and so you'll think I'm cool! ;) I got to sing the National Anthem at a Grizzlies Game, our minor league hockey team. My girlie-friend recorded it for me. And I thought I would share it with you all...again...so you'll think I'm cool. AND...I had to tell you what Emma said, when I came back and sat down. "Mom, everybody liked your song! Even the ice skaters!!" She has only ever seen me sing at church, where they don't clap. I am SO not telling her they were clapping and screaming for the song...not me! ;)
I also HAD to show this picture. I was SO tired the other day, I
had to lay down and close my eyes if only for 5 minutes. Well I had dozed for a minute, and I felt Emma put a blanket on me, and took a picture. Seriously...how cute IS she!?
I also HAD to show this picture. I was SO tired the other day, I
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Beautiful pictures
I got an email today on one of my many support groups. Someone came across this picture on the internet, and was so touched by it, she shared it with the group.
Well, I have some of this artists work. This picture has been in my scriptures for years. The first time I saw it, I thought it was me. I love thinking it is me, being hugged and held, by Jesus. When I look at it, I can feel my head on His chest, and His arms wrapped around me. I can hear Him breathing, and I can feel how happy He is, to show His love for me.
One of the things I HAD to have at the hospital with me when Jack was born, was this picture. It meant SO much to me, and helped me to remember, no matter what happened with Jack, Jesus would be by his side every step of the way. Everyone who came in my room, and knew about Jack, was moved by it as well.
Then my Mom, gave us the picture to the left. If you look closely, you can see that she (my mom) "altered" the picture to make the baby look like he has a cleft. It hangs on my wall as a daily reminder, that Jack was made that way on purpose, and that Jesus loves him, and all of us.
I was going to put the pictures on here, but provided the links, so you can see the rest of her beautiful pictures, and read some of the stories that inspired her to draw them.
I hope you can find the same level of inspiration as so many others have.
Well, I have some of this artists work. This picture has been in my scriptures for years. The first time I saw it, I thought it was me. I love thinking it is me, being hugged and held, by Jesus. When I look at it, I can feel my head on His chest, and His arms wrapped around me. I can hear Him breathing, and I can feel how happy He is, to show His love for me.
One of the things I HAD to have at the hospital with me when Jack was born, was this picture. It meant SO much to me, and helped me to remember, no matter what happened with Jack, Jesus would be by his side every step of the way. Everyone who came in my room, and knew about Jack, was moved by it as well.

I was going to put the pictures on here, but provided the links, so you can see the rest of her beautiful pictures, and read some of the stories that inspired her to draw them.
I hope you can find the same level of inspiration as so many others have.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Adventures in Mothering
After Jack and I picked up Emma from school, I thought it would be fun to go to lunch somewhere with a play place. Emma was SO excited!! So we are getting out of the car-always a task- and for some reason, I had the passenger door open. I got Jack out, and turned around to close the door, and realized, by the screams erupting from Jack, I had swung him into the open door. So I just hugged him, and let him scream for a minute. Then I said, "Let me see baby..." And then...there was blood. Now mind you...I never like to SEE blood on the baby, but this time was MY FAULT. And remember, we are getting out of the car at a fastfood restaurant. Oh, and I have NO diaper bag, since we went on a whim. So I have a SCREAMING baby, blood coming faster and faster, and no means of blotting it. Oh, and did I mention Emma, standing in the parking lot saying..."MOOOOM...can we go in now... PUUULLLLEEEEAAASSSE??!?!?!?!?!?!?" I kept telling her, he was bleeding...but she way too lost in her own fast food stuper, to realize Jack was bleeding.
So I sat in the passenger seat, trying to calm Jack and find something to stop the bleeding. I found a napkin from a previous fast food bag...yes ...I know I have a problem...and realize it is FREEZING outside, and Emma is still in the parking lot. So I tell her to get back in the car, she climbs in the car thru the sliding door, and stands in the open doorway. Dancing. So I tell her to close the door, and proceed to close mine. Jack is thrashing about, so blood is getting all over him, and then Emma starts screaming...because...I HAD SHUT HER FINGERS IN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh... My... Hell.
Now I have a bleeding, screaming two yr old, and a throbbing ring fingered, screaming 5 yr old. I think Jack realized his was now less traumatic, and stopped crying. Of course Emma being the drama queen she is, is SCREAMING!!!! So I get the head lac, to stop bleeding long enough to evaluate it, to see if a drive to PCMC is in order. But now I play the game I love. DO I take him ALL the way up there, do I run to the store that is 50 yards away and buy steri strips, do I call my dr office, and see if they will fix it. So I take a picture of it with my phone, and send it
to my Mom's email. She says, "I can't see anything!" Ugh.
So I called my Dr office, and of course, it's Wed and MY Dr is off, and NOW...they are at lunch. I may have said this before, but when it comes to Jack, I don't trust just anyone with him. So I decided to go up to the ER. I get up there...and once again... there are NO parking spaces. I had to park at the other end of the hospital, and go in the back way to the ER. They said, "What can we do for you?" I said, "Just gimme some glue, and I'll be on my way." Cuz half way up there, I realized...it's RSV season. WHAT was I thinking? The place was FULL of hacking kids.
They put some lidocane on his forehead, and made a head band out of coflex...um ya...it lasted like 5 mins. But I did get some wicked cute pictures. :)

So anyway, we finally get called back, and they put us in a trauma room. *sigh* again. A 2 bed room with a curtain to separate the two. Need I remind you, Jack is not sick. AND...it's the trauma room they use when the bring kids in, in an ambulance. We were actually in the adjacent room, when Emma got her staples, and there was a very sick little girl in there, while Emma and I waited for her staples.
So then I start panicking...looking around. I saw the huge digital clock on the wall, and wondered how many times, someone had looked up at that clock, and said..."Time of death". I saw the chest tube kits, the arterial line kits, the trach kits. ugh...it was bad.
Then I looked at my sweet little boy, with his tiny head lac, running around the room pushing the stool. I said to him, let's dance, and bring some happiness to this room. So we did.

I told the Dr I figured he'd only need some glue, and to have it irrigated, since I DID hit him with a dirty door, and blotted it with a napkin that was floating around in the car. He agreed. So the nurse came in and irrigated it, and put another "bandaid" on it. Um ya, the first one lasted longer, but again, I got a picture first. Right after I took the picture, he reached up, grabbed it, and threw it on the floor. *rolling eyes*
I love it when the Dr's agree with me, and he got his head glued back together and they sent us on our way.
I HAD to go to the cafeteria, and get my favorite white coco, macadamia cookies, and there was a lady playing the harp in the foyer. Jack thought it was SO cool!!
So that was OUR adventure for the day! I'm pooped...and the baby has a shiny purple dab of glue holding his forehead together. ;)
So I sat in the passenger seat, trying to calm Jack and find something to stop the bleeding. I found a napkin from a previous fast food bag...yes ...I know I have a problem...and realize it is FREEZING outside, and Emma is still in the parking lot. So I tell her to get back in the car, she climbs in the car thru the sliding door, and stands in the open doorway. Dancing. So I tell her to close the door, and proceed to close mine. Jack is thrashing about, so blood is getting all over him, and then Emma starts screaming...because...I HAD SHUT HER FINGERS IN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh... My... Hell.
Now I have a bleeding, screaming two yr old, and a throbbing ring fingered, screaming 5 yr old. I think Jack realized his was now less traumatic, and stopped crying. Of course Emma being the drama queen she is, is SCREAMING!!!! So I get the head lac, to stop bleeding long enough to evaluate it, to see if a drive to PCMC is in order. But now I play the game I love. DO I take him ALL the way up there, do I run to the store that is 50 yards away and buy steri strips, do I call my dr office, and see if they will fix it. So I take a picture of it with my phone, and send it
to my Mom's email. She says, "I can't see anything!" Ugh.

They put some lidocane on his forehead, and made a head band out of coflex...um ya...it lasted like 5 mins. But I did get some wicked cute pictures. :)

So anyway, we finally get called back, and they put us in a trauma room. *sigh* again. A 2 bed room with a curtain to separate the two. Need I remind you, Jack is not sick. AND...it's the trauma room they use when the bring kids in, in an ambulance. We were actually in the adjacent room, when Emma got her staples, and there was a very sick little girl in there, while Emma and I waited for her staples.
So then I start panicking...looking around. I saw the huge digital clock on the wall, and wondered how many times, someone had looked up at that clock, and said..."Time of death". I saw the chest tube kits, the arterial line kits, the trach kits. ugh...it was bad.
Then I looked at my sweet little boy, with his tiny head lac, running around the room pushing the stool. I said to him, let's dance, and bring some happiness to this room. So we did.

I told the Dr I figured he'd only need some glue, and to have it irrigated, since I DID hit him with a dirty door, and blotted it with a napkin that was floating around in the car. He agreed. So the nurse came in and irrigated it, and put another "bandaid" on it. Um ya, the first one lasted longer, but again, I got a picture first. Right after I took the picture, he reached up, grabbed it, and threw it on the floor. *rolling eyes*

I HAD to go to the cafeteria, and get my favorite white coco, macadamia cookies, and there was a lady playing the harp in the foyer. Jack thought it was SO cool!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
To all my doubters:
I know...I have another blog for it...BUT...
SOMEONE I KNOW IS ON AMERICAN IDOL!!! If you recall, I have stated before, I watch to see if someone I know gets through. WELL....
David Archuleta, was a guest artist with my choir, about 4 years ago. Check out the link. He is a talented young man. I knew he would be on Idol someday. This yr is the first year he is old enough!! Oh, and he goes to our High school!! I feel something BIG on the horizon...
Anyway....Check it out!
SOMEONE I KNOW IS ON AMERICAN IDOL!!! If you recall, I have stated before, I watch to see if someone I know gets through. WELL....
David Archuleta, was a guest artist with my choir, about 4 years ago. Check out the link. He is a talented young man. I knew he would be on Idol someday. This yr is the first year he is old enough!! Oh, and he goes to our High school!! I feel something BIG on the horizon...
Anyway....Check it out!
Do you have one at YOUR house??
This is VERY serious...
I pray YOUR man...will not catch it!!!
I pray YOUR man...will not catch it!!!
Oh that's right... other blog. Sorry to have disturbed you... :)
On another note, do I not get out enough? How is it, that I have heard of about
20 % of the nominees for the Academy Awards. Goodness...although...It's nice to see George Clooney nominated! Guess the key now...is to get over this writer's strike, so people can fulfill their dream, of getting an Oscar the way they always dreamed of it! I don't really care about the dresses, and all that crap. It really brings me to tears, watching people's dreams come true. You really have to look at it that way. Some of them, have spent their WHOLE lives, for that one moment. It's SO cool, when you put it that perpsective!
On another note, do I not get out enough? How is it, that I have heard of about

Monday, January 21, 2008
22 Minutes
I am proud to call this women my friend. Alice is one of the most amazing woman I know. I am so excited, Ch 2 thought so too!!
A few years ago Alice Perreault was at the grocery store with her son Julius. The cashier looked at her son and looked at Perreault and asked, "What's wrong with him?"
She'd forgotten all about that question.
"...It all came back to me about that worry of that question," she said. "And there it was."
The question came up about her sister, Renee.
Renee was born with Down syndrome. Right after the delivery, before her mother had recovered from anesthesia, hospital staff asked her father if he wanted to sign papers and have the baby taken away. Because that's what was done at the time.
"I spent my whole life with Renee explaining to people why she looks the way she does," Perreault said.
Now her son wasn't a baby anymore. And there was the question again.
During delivery, Julius' umbilical cord was pinched. He went without oxygen for 22 minutes.
He went into a coma.
He went into a state of neurological agitation. He cried for six months.
Now he had quadriplegic cerebral palsy.
But the cashier wasn't asking what his diagnosis was.
She was asking what was wrong with him.
That, in part, was why Alice Perreault started Kindred Spirits. Perreault, an artist and educator wanted to bring art into her son's life. But she also wanted people to stop asking that question.
That's why Kindred Spirits is an art studio where kids with and without disabilities work side by side.
And then display the work out in the community.
Perreault runs the organization in addition to caring for her son and her sister.
She doesn't want pity.
She doesn't want people to say mothers like her are "blessed." (She mimes sticking her finger down her throat. "Ugghhh.")
And she wanted a cashier to know that nothing was "wrong" her son.
So when Julius was looking up at her, wondering how she was going to answer the question, she smiled back at him and then looked at the cashier and said, "Nothing. We're having a great day.'"
For more information about Kindred Spirits click here.
The Art Access Gallery is now hosting a new show of Perreault's paintings, called "Gifts."
A few years ago Alice Perreault was at the grocery store with her son Julius. The cashier looked at her son and looked at Perreault and asked, "What's wrong with him?"
She'd forgotten all about that question.
"...It all came back to me about that worry of that question," she said. "And there it was."
The question came up about her sister, Renee.
Renee was born with Down syndrome. Right after the delivery, before her mother had recovered from anesthesia, hospital staff asked her father if he wanted to sign papers and have the baby taken away. Because that's what was done at the time.
"I spent my whole life with Renee explaining to people why she looks the way she does," Perreault said.
Now her son wasn't a baby anymore. And there was the question again.
During delivery, Julius' umbilical cord was pinched. He went without oxygen for 22 minutes.
He went into a coma.
He went into a state of neurological agitation. He cried for six months.
Now he had quadriplegic cerebral palsy.
But the cashier wasn't asking what his diagnosis was.
She was asking what was wrong with him.
That, in part, was why Alice Perreault started Kindred Spirits. Perreault, an artist and educator wanted to bring art into her son's life. But she also wanted people to stop asking that question.
That's why Kindred Spirits is an art studio where kids with and without disabilities work side by side.
And then display the work out in the community.
Perreault runs the organization in addition to caring for her son and her sister.
She doesn't want pity.
She doesn't want people to say mothers like her are "blessed." (She mimes sticking her finger down her throat. "Ugghhh.")
And she wanted a cashier to know that nothing was "wrong" her son.
So when Julius was looking up at her, wondering how she was going to answer the question, she smiled back at him and then looked at the cashier and said, "Nothing. We're having a great day.'"
For more information about Kindred Spirits click here.
The Art Access Gallery is now hosting a new show of Perreault's paintings, called "Gifts."
Copyright 2008 Four Points. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

I have a dream
This man, as you know, changed our country forever. Not just for the African Americans, but for all of us. Here is his whole speech. It's almost 20 mins, but well worth it. ENJOY!
It is SO incredible to me to listen to this, and think what has come to pass. I hope we can all take a moment today, to really think about where we have come from, and where we are now. I, for one, am PROUD to be an American today!!
It is SO incredible to me to listen to this, and think what has come to pass. I hope we can all take a moment today, to really think about where we have come from, and where we are now. I, for one, am PROUD to be an American today!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Dear Gramma,
Today marks 5 years since you left us. The day you died, was SO special to me.
You had been hanging on, and I was so worried you were waiting to meet Emma. We were about 3 weeks from her due date, and I just knew you couldn't wait to meet her.
You were so peaceful lying in your bed. I came into talk to you, hoping you could hear me. I told you all about my baby shower I had had that day, and how much I wished you could have been there to see ALL THE PINK!! I asked you, if you wouldn't mind going to heaven, to meet Emma. I asked you to tell her all about us, tell her all our funny stories, and teach her all the things you taught me. I kissed you on the forehead, told you I loved you, and left the room.
That night you took my advise! While I was sad you were gone, I was SO happy you and Emma were laughing in heaven. A few weeks after she was born, she was asleep in her car seat, at me feet. I looked down at her, and her head was tipped back with her mouth WIDE open, catchin' flies. Just the way you always slept in your chair. You always made us check your pulse, or hold a mirror under your nose, when you slept like that. The moment I saw her asleep like that, I saw you telling her, "Ok Emma, when you fall asleep, be sure to let your head fall back, and your mouth fall open, it TOTALLY freaks them out!!!" I cried, and laughed at the same time. At that moment, I knew you had been together, before Emma came to us.
Gramma, Emma has your dry, witty sense of humor. I also know, you were with Jack, and sent him to us safely. I think he also has your sense of humor. But I do appreciate you not telling HIM to do that.
I miss you so much, sometimes it hurts. You were the best Gramma I could have asked for. I will always remember our trips to Road Island, our many sleep overs, and how you would talk to me when I called you, to talk about nothing. I remember how I only new your phone number cuz it made a cool pattern on the phone. When ever I smell coffee and bacon, I am laying in bed at your house, after a sleep over, or in RI. I miss Sunday dinners, picking blueberries from the front yard, seeing the crosswords puzzle books in the bathroom-with the front of the books pages folded back and half done, and the butter rum life savers, that were ALWAYS in your purse. I can hear the squeak of the metal cupboard, that held the sugar cereals, Mom wouldn't let us have, and the lid of the always full candy jar. Sometimes, I'm in your living room, playing cards with you, or sitting under the tree in the front yard watching the birds.
Thank you for everything you gave me, for your unconditional love, and for just being my Gramma.
You were so peaceful lying in your bed. I came into talk to you, hoping you could hear me. I told you all about my baby shower I had had that day, and how much I wished you could have been there to see ALL THE PINK!! I asked you, if you wouldn't mind going to heaven, to meet Emma. I asked you to tell her all about us, tell her all our funny stories, and teach her all the things you taught me. I kissed you on the forehead, told you I loved you, and left the room.
That night you took my advise! While I was sad you were gone, I was SO happy you and Emma were laughing in heaven. A few weeks after she was born, she was asleep in her car seat, at me feet. I looked down at her, and her head was tipped back with her mouth WIDE open, catchin' flies. Just the way you always slept in your chair. You always made us check your pulse, or hold a mirror under your nose, when you slept like that. The moment I saw her asleep like that, I saw you telling her, "Ok Emma, when you fall asleep, be sure to let your head fall back, and your mouth fall open, it TOTALLY freaks them out!!!" I cried, and laughed at the same time. At that moment, I knew you had been together, before Emma came to us.
Gramma, Emma has your dry, witty sense of humor. I also know, you were with Jack, and sent him to us safely. I think he also has your sense of humor. But I do appreciate you not telling HIM to do that.
I miss you so much, sometimes it hurts. You were the best Gramma I could have asked for. I will always remember our trips to Road Island, our many sleep overs, and how you would talk to me when I called you, to talk about nothing. I remember how I only new your phone number cuz it made a cool pattern on the phone. When ever I smell coffee and bacon, I am laying in bed at your house, after a sleep over, or in RI. I miss Sunday dinners, picking blueberries from the front yard, seeing the crosswords puzzle books in the bathroom-with the front of the books pages folded back and half done, and the butter rum life savers, that were ALWAYS in your purse. I can hear the squeak of the metal cupboard, that held the sugar cereals, Mom wouldn't let us have, and the lid of the always full candy jar. Sometimes, I'm in your living room, playing cards with you, or sitting under the tree in the front yard watching the birds.
Thank you for everything you gave me, for your unconditional love, and for just being my Gramma.
Happy Birthday Suz-a-bell!!!!

My LITTLE sister...is OLD!!! haha, Which of course means I AM!!! Seriously, how cute is she. I was 6 when she was born, and I was such a little mother. SHE...remained 6, till she was I think 16, I allowed her to growup. Yes, I've always been a control freak.
Today, she is an AMAZING mom, and I look up to her SO much. I would gush more, but she'll get annoyed, and I need to get this post written before it's not her bday anymore!! Here are some more pictures...I'm SURE she'll love!! I do, and it's MY BLOG!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Toddler Diet
I found this today. I have seen it before, but something about having a toddler, it struck my funny bone today! Oh how I love my toddler. Today...he pulled a bowl of cereal off the counter, left there by a NON toddler. Sometimes I catch it on film, but today's mess was too big, and I was NOT in the mood. But I did find a few of my favorite messes, that were perfect for illustrations!
Hope you like it too. Oh, I didn't write it. Although I could have!
Over the years you may have noticed, as I have, that most
two-year-olds are trim. It came to me one day over a cup of black
coffee and a carrot that perhaps their diet is the reason. After
consultation with pediatricians, X-ray technicians, and distraught
moms, I was able to formulate this new diet. It is inexpensive,
offering great variety and sufficient quantity. Before embarking on
this diet, however, be sure to check with your doctor... otherwise you
might have to see him afterward. Good luck!
One scrambled egg, one piece of toast with grape jelly.
Eat 2 bites of egg, using your fingers; dump the rest on the
Take 1 bite of toast, then smear the jelly over your face and
Four crayons (any color), a handful of potato chips, and a
glass of milk (3 sips only, then spill the rest).
A dry stick, two pennies and a nickel.
Bedtime Snack
Toast piece of bread and toss it on the kitchen floor.
Pick up stale toast from kitchen floor and eat it. Drink half
bottle of vanilla extract or one vial of vegetable dye.
Half a tube of "Pulsating Pink" lipstick and a handful of
Purina Dog Chow (any flavor). One ice cube, if desired.
Afternoon Snack
Lick an all-day sucker until sticky, take outside, drop in
dirt. Retrieve and continue slurping until it is clean again.
Then bring inside and drop on the rug.
A rock or an uncooked bean, which should be thrust up your left
nostril. Pour iced tea over mashed potatoes; eat with a spoon.
Two pancakes with plenty of syrup, eat with fingers, rub in
hair. Glass of milk: drink half, stuff pancakes in glass.
After breakfast, pick up yesterday's sucker from rug, lick off
fuzz, and put it on the cushion of your best chair.
Three matches, peanut-butter and jelly sandwich. Spit several
bites onto the floor. Pour glass of milk on table and slurp up.
Dish of ice cream, handful of potato chips.
A quarter-tube of toothpaste (any flavor), bit of soap, an
olive. Pour a glass of milk over bowl of cornflakes, add a
half-cup of sugar. Once cereal is soggy, drink milk and feed
cereal to dog.

Eat crumbs off kitchen floor and dining room carpet. Find that
sucker and finish eating it.
A glass of spaghetti and chocolate milk. Leave meatball on
plate. Stick of mascara for dessert
Hope you like it too. Oh, I didn't write it. Although I could have!
two-year-olds are trim. It came to me one day over a cup of black
coffee and a carrot that perhaps their diet is the reason. After
consultation with pediatricians, X-ray technicians, and distraught
moms, I was able to formulate this new diet. It is inexpensive,
offering great variety and sufficient quantity. Before embarking on
this diet, however, be sure to check with your doctor... otherwise you
might have to see him afterward. Good luck!
One scrambled egg, one piece of toast with grape jelly.
Eat 2 bites of egg, using your fingers; dump the rest on the
Take 1 bite of toast, then smear the jelly over your face and
Four crayons (any color), a handful of potato chips, and a
glass of milk (3 sips only, then spill the rest).
A dry stick, two pennies and a nickel.
Bedtime Snack
Toast piece of bread and toss it on the kitchen floor.
Pick up stale toast from kitchen floor and eat it. Drink half
bottle of vanilla extract or one vial of vegetable dye.
Half a tube of "Pulsating Pink" lipstick and a handful of
Purina Dog Chow (any flavor). One ice cube, if desired.
Afternoon Snack
Lick an all-day sucker until sticky, take outside, drop in
dirt. Retrieve and continue slurping until it is clean again.
Then bring inside and drop on the rug.
A rock or an uncooked bean, which should be thrust up your left
nostril. Pour iced tea over mashed potatoes; eat with a spoon.
Two pancakes with plenty of syrup, eat with fingers, rub in
hair. Glass of milk: drink half, stuff pancakes in glass.
After breakfast, pick up yesterday's sucker from rug, lick off
fuzz, and put it on the cushion of your best chair.
Three matches, peanut-butter and jelly sandwich. Spit several
bites onto the floor. Pour glass of milk on table and slurp up.
Dish of ice cream, handful of potato chips.
A quarter-tube of toothpaste (any flavor), bit of soap, an
olive. Pour a glass of milk over bowl of cornflakes, add a
half-cup of sugar. Once cereal is soggy, drink milk and feed
cereal to dog.
Eat crumbs off kitchen floor and dining room carpet. Find that
sucker and finish eating it.
A glass of spaghetti and chocolate milk. Leave meatball on
plate. Stick of mascara for dessert
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's Conference time!!!
Here is the info, and where to register! It's for families, providers, anyone who wants to learn more about how to help and understand children and adults, living with Birth defects, and/or special needs.
I hope to see some of you there! If you're coming...let me know!
Join me!

If you would like to post there too, send me your email!
Can't wait to start chatting!!! So get your lame butt over there, to join mine!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
21 hours 52 minutes
So tonight was AWESOME!!! SO far...I like Christy the cage fighter, girl who had the little girl with Rhett's Syndrome, the pretty black boy, with the dreads, and of course the Nanny Chic. Think she's mormon?? hmmmm, Nanny, no rated R movies....um YA!!
I'll sleep better tonight...won't you??
So tonight was AWESOME!!! SO far...I like Christy the cage fighter, girl who had the little girl with Rhett's Syndrome, the pretty black boy, with the dreads, and of course the Nanny Chic. Think she's mormon?? hmmmm, Nanny, no rated R movies....um YA!!
I'll sleep better tonight...won't you??
30 minutes!!!!!
I know I said I was done....HAHA...faked YOU out!!
I'm staying home from choir. 1) I feel like crap, and don't feel like sitting up straight on those stupid high school chairs! 2) AMERICAN IDOL IS ON!!!!
I am SO excited to find my favorite! Might not be tonight...at least I have tomorrow, and next week!!
It's gonna be GREAT!
I'm staying home from choir. 1) I feel like crap, and don't feel like sitting up straight on those stupid high school chairs! 2) AMERICAN IDOL IS ON!!!!
I am SO excited to find my favorite! Might not be tonight...at least I have tomorrow, and next week!!
It's gonna be GREAT!
50 minutes
That's right folks. American Idol, has been on for 50 min, on the East Coast!!! Can you feel it in the air?? It's American Idol Fever, and it's about to spread over the nation, and on to my house!!!
Ok,I'm done now...
Ok,I'm done now...
Monday, January 14, 2008
23 hours and 49 mins!!

Say it with me!!!!!
Ok, I think I'm done...
I just asked Nick, "guess what tomorrow is????" He said, " Your birthday." And then...he realized. and he got that disgusted look! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Sad thing is...I will be at choir, so I'll be watching it when I get home. So I guess it's really 25 hours and 49 mins for me!!!
Millie....YES on an AI blog!!! YOU do it though!! HAHA

Oh I just can't wait. Just knowing it is on...will make me sing better at choir!!!
36 hours 30 minutes...
Call me names all you want. I REALLY don't care. :) Here's what I love about American Idol. During the auditions, I pick my favorites. I also enjoy watching to see if there is anyone I know!! haha, ya right! I love hearing someone, and KNOWING they are the one, the one I will love!!! If they make me cry when they sing - Clay - they get my vote. And I really don't enjoy the bad ones...well the REALLY bad ones, who just want to get on TV, those I enjoy. And I feel SO bad for the ones who really think they are awesome...oh my...
And you all may know...I am FAR too old to audition. So I just do it vicariously through them! When the theme music comes on...It makes me teary. There is just something about it. It's the ordinary guy or gal, with a dream to be a famous singer.
I LOVE when the guests come on and teach them. I cry with them when they get to meet who ever it is. Of course my fav is always me sweetie Barry Manilow. He REALLY cares about those kids, and you can tell!!
So my world is about to get a little brighter. Food tastes better, I look prettier, and the air feels cleaner, this time of year..."American Idol" (said like Ryan says it)... is on it's way... and IT JUST ROCKS!!! No matter what you say!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A week in review ... MY WAY!
It's been a busy week. Can't believe it's actually over. We started out the week, with an appointment with the Orthodontist. It's been awhile since we've been up to PCMC, even longer for Jack. And almost a year for Jack, since he has been in the ortho's office. Last time we were there, he wasn't even walking! So it was like the first time for him, but they sure know him! When we walked in...there was a resounding..."JACKSON!!!". Jack just looked at them as if to say..."Who the heck are YOU, and how do you know ME?!?!" It was SO funny! Then when the DR came in, oh my, it was funny. He was SO not sure about him. The Dr got quite the kick out of it too.
Anyway...he said his cross-bite was looking good. The last time he saw him was in May. He thinks he will only need head gear to wear at night, when he's around 5. And it's not what you're thinking. If I can find a picture, I'll post it. And everything else looks fine. We go back again...in 6 months. Mostly, he's checking the prosthesis in his mouth.
Jack also got his foot orthotics. He has been fine, hasn't even really noticed. Although, Friday, after I took off his shoes, after wearing them all day, he had a blister. So I need to call tomorrow, and figure out what to do! This is a picture before she cut them down, and fit them into his shoes. He is SO happy! haha Then while we were waiting, he found the light switches. Oh my...SO funny!!!!
Since I had the camera, I caught him on tape! SO STINKIN CUTE!!
Then Friday, the kids and I went out to a FUN place. It is the West Valley Family Fitness Center Germ Fest...ok I added the germ fest part. But it is SO SO SO fun!! Here are some pictures. And here is a cute video:
And it was CHEAP!!! They can't wait to go back! If you live here - around Salt Lake, I HIGHLY recommend it. I first went there for a physical therapy consult. He LOVES it there for therapy. And so did Jack!
So...one more video! Jack got into something...
Anyway...he said his cross-bite was looking good. The last time he saw him was in May. He thinks he will only need head gear to wear at night, when he's around 5. And it's not what you're thinking. If I can find a picture, I'll post it. And everything else looks fine. We go back again...in 6 months. Mostly, he's checking the prosthesis in his mouth.
Since I had the camera, I caught him on tape! SO STINKIN CUTE!!
Then Friday, the kids and I went out to a FUN place. It is the West Valley Family Fitness Center Germ Fest...ok I added the germ fest part. But it is SO SO SO fun!! Here are some pictures. And here is a cute video:
And it was CHEAP!!! They can't wait to go back! If you live here - around Salt Lake, I HIGHLY recommend it. I first went there for a physical therapy consult. He LOVES it there for therapy. And so did Jack!
So...one more video! Jack got into something...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sammy runs in heaven now.
When we were told Jack had HPE, we came right home and googled it. We found this Yahoo group, and our lives were changed forever.
One mom in particular, Sammy's mom, was always there with a kind supportive word. She always knew exactly what to say, what words would inspire me, and bring me out of what ever funk I was in that day. She has a way with words, I only wish I had. I admire her so much, and consider her one of my hero's and idol's.
Sammy is a beautiful child full of love an light.

Here is an excerpt from her blog:
One mom in particular, Sammy's mom, was always there with a kind supportive word. She always knew exactly what to say, what words would inspire me, and bring me out of what ever funk I was in that day. She has a way with words, I only wish I had. I admire her so much, and consider her one of my hero's and idol's.
Sammy is a beautiful child full of love an light.

Here is an excerpt from her blog:
At 10:40pm last night, Sammy's spirit left his body and lept into the arms of his Heavenly Father. Today, we have hope that he runs, jumps, claps, laughs and all of those things that he couldn't do here. We miss him deeply, but we have joy that he is free.
Do you see what I mean? What an amazing women, and Mom. I know, that Sam's mission on earth, is finished, but his legacy will live on forever. This beautiful family, is an inspiration to so many. Please keep them, and everyone in their lives, in your prayers.
Do you see what I mean? What an amazing women, and Mom. I know, that Sam's mission on earth, is finished, but his legacy will live on forever. This beautiful family, is an inspiration to so many. Please keep them, and everyone in their lives, in your prayers.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Be my friend!
So I did it! I got a Facebook account! It's been fun so far. I just signed up yesterday, and have already found several long lost friends, and some around the corner!! HAHA...
Anyway...if you want, YOU can be my friend too!! Click on the link, if you have one too, or just get one, and ask me to be YOUR friend!
See you on facebook!
Anyway...if you want, YOU can be my friend too!! Click on the link, if you have one too, or just get one, and ask me to be YOUR friend!
See you on facebook!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
We were on the NEWS!!
Ok, you TOTALLY wouldn't see us, if I didn't tell you...but still!!
So...I am in the choir that is singing(you can't see me at all)...and Emma and my Mom, are in the front row middle. You can see them when they do a shot of the Sterling and Jackie, the piano player. Emma is on my Mom's lap, she stands out a bit, cuz her legs are dangling. And they are just over Sterling's shoulder.
Disclaimer: I'm supposed to tell you, to stop watching after our story, it keeps going...to nonsence...
Oh, and if you are new friend to me...I LOVE being on TV!! I am SUCH a geek. I have been on several times, again...being a geek. My first time, was in 1988. Matt Lauer was hosting a local talk show, in Boston, and they had a contest to go with Matt, to a Barry Manilow concert. I won tickets, being in the studio audience, and then got to go on the show the next day, and tell about our date with Matt, and review the concert. Then when Matt started on the Today show, I knew SOMEDAY, I had to make a poster, and take it to the show. So...when they were here for the Olympics, I did just that. I saved the poster, or so I thought. If I find it, I'll be sure to take a picture and post it. It said..."I went on a date, with Matt in '88" And I put pictures of us at the concert, on it. He saw it, and came over. He said he remembered. I doubt it, but it was nice of him anyway! So of course, I was on TV then.
Then, when they dedicated the Boston Temple, I was there, and saw a reporter from Salt Lake, so I stopped to talk to her, told her I was from Salt Lake, and of course she had to interview me. ;) So that was funny. I was in Boston, and on TV at home! heehee
Then just after Emma was born, CH 2 had a 2News Idol. And I was a finalist. SO I got to sing on the morning news. THAT was way fun! I didn't win. I was WAY to frumpy, and Mom-ish to win.
I've been in the background more times than I can recount, and lots with the choir.
So there you have it. I like to say I have been famous for about an hour... you know, 15 minutes of fame...a few times!???
So...I am in the choir that is singing(you can't see me at all)...and Emma and my Mom, are in the front row middle. You can see them when they do a shot of the Sterling and Jackie, the piano player. Emma is on my Mom's lap, she stands out a bit, cuz her legs are dangling. And they are just over Sterling's shoulder.
Disclaimer: I'm supposed to tell you, to stop watching after our story, it keeps going...to nonsence...
Oh, and if you are new friend to me...I LOVE being on TV!! I am SUCH a geek. I have been on several times, again...being a geek. My first time, was in 1988. Matt Lauer was hosting a local talk show, in Boston, and they had a contest to go with Matt, to a Barry Manilow concert. I won tickets, being in the studio audience, and then got to go on the show the next day, and tell about our date with Matt, and review the concert. Then when Matt started on the Today show, I knew SOMEDAY, I had to make a poster, and take it to the show. So...when they were here for the Olympics, I did just that. I saved the poster, or so I thought. If I find it, I'll be sure to take a picture and post it. It said..."I went on a date, with Matt in '88" And I put pictures of us at the concert, on it. He saw it, and came over. He said he remembered. I doubt it, but it was nice of him anyway! So of course, I was on TV then.
Then, when they dedicated the Boston Temple, I was there, and saw a reporter from Salt Lake, so I stopped to talk to her, told her I was from Salt Lake, and of course she had to interview me. ;) So that was funny. I was in Boston, and on TV at home! heehee
Then just after Emma was born, CH 2 had a 2News Idol. And I was a finalist. SO I got to sing on the morning news. THAT was way fun! I didn't win. I was WAY to frumpy, and Mom-ish to win.
I've been in the background more times than I can recount, and lots with the choir.
So there you have it. I like to say I have been famous for about an hour... you know, 15 minutes of fame...a few times!???
Where would you be?
Well..... HELLOOooo!!!!!!!!!
Well..... HELLOOooo!!!!!!!!!

Fun in the City!
We had a fun girls day out. Emma and my Mom came to my little concert, and then we hung out down town, and went to lunch, and saw some of the sites! We took TONS o' pictures. I know...shocking! You can find them here. Emma took a bunch, and I took some too! It was WAY fun!
Here's Em and I before the concert, I know...I look hot... ;)

Here's us at lunch! Aren't we so cute!!
We also went up to the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Emma thought it was so cool! What a view!!! SO beautiful!

In this picture, the buildings closet to the mountains, is where Primary Children's Hospital is...for those who don't know! And were dying to!!!

We had such a nice time, hanging out with just the girls! Thanks for indulging me!! :)
Here's Em and I before the concert, I know...I look hot... ;)
Here's us at lunch! Aren't we so cute!!
In this picture, the buildings closet to the mountains, is where Primary Children's Hospital is...for those who don't know! And were dying to!!!
We had such a nice time, hanging out with just the girls! Thanks for indulging me!! :)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Middle of the night adventures
So as I went to bed last night, I walked past Jack, and said to myself, "I can't believe I finally got a kid who sleeps through the night." Guess who woke up, when DH came to bed...at 2:22? So I ignored him, and it seemed as if he was going back to sleep. Then PARKER....came in...and he sat right up! When Parker left, he lost it. So I got up, and tucked him in between us. All the while, Parker is in the living room with all the lights on. All of a sudden, I hear him say, "HI!", he sits up, climbs over me, and kicking me, and putting his butt in my face, and leaves. I can hear him, walking around the house, laughing and talking to Parker, who is trying to fall asleep on the couch.
So I come out, and he is so excited. I go to make him a bottle, and he follows me. Happy as a clam to be awake at 2:30 in the AM. Then he runs over to what I think will be the chair, but no, he goes into my room, and climbs back into bed.
So I come back out, to deal with my 10 yr old insomniac, who now can't find a movie out of our library of over 100, and none of his play station games, are fun for one person.
It's now 3:14, and I have NO idea if Jack has fallen asleep! I don't hear anything so that is good...right?? And Parker has retreated back to his room, hopefully, because the stuff I gave him to make him sleep, is kicking in. Oh, and I am sitting in my chair FREEZING to death talking to all you folks! Well, when you read it anyway.
I have a concert at 2:00, at the State Capitol, in the rotunda. We'll have to stand for 45 mins straight. Usually, we have guest artists, and an orchestra, who do their own numbers, so we get to sit often, not today, it's all us. Early afternoon is when I am the most tired, and after a night like this...I am VERY afraid. But it should be really fun! They have spent the last 4 years working on the Capitol building, and are rededicating it this weekend, and having tours. So we are one of MANY choirs performing for the open house. We'll be on the big fancy stairs, in the main rotunda! I'll be sure to get pictures!
OH...and church... is at 9 AM, tomorrow! Won't THAT be nice.
One more thing, Jack has a sinus infection. I took him in, and was joking with the Dr, we hadn't been in in so long! He said...it's only been 6 weeks. UGH...SEEEMED like forever!
Hope you are all sleeping soundly, I'm off to see if it will happen for ME!!!
So I come out, and he is so excited. I go to make him a bottle, and he follows me. Happy as a clam to be awake at 2:30 in the AM. Then he runs over to what I think will be the chair, but no, he goes into my room, and climbs back into bed.
So I come back out, to deal with my 10 yr old insomniac, who now can't find a movie out of our library of over 100, and none of his play station games, are fun for one person.
It's now 3:14, and I have NO idea if Jack has fallen asleep! I don't hear anything so that is good...right?? And Parker has retreated back to his room, hopefully, because the stuff I gave him to make him sleep, is kicking in. Oh, and I am sitting in my chair FREEZING to death talking to all you folks! Well, when you read it anyway.
I have a concert at 2:00, at the State Capitol, in the rotunda. We'll have to stand for 45 mins straight. Usually, we have guest artists, and an orchestra, who do their own numbers, so we get to sit often, not today, it's all us. Early afternoon is when I am the most tired, and after a night like this...I am VERY afraid. But it should be really fun! They have spent the last 4 years working on the Capitol building, and are rededicating it this weekend, and having tours. So we are one of MANY choirs performing for the open house. We'll be on the big fancy stairs, in the main rotunda! I'll be sure to get pictures!
OH...and church... is at 9 AM, tomorrow! Won't THAT be nice.
One more thing, Jack has a sinus infection. I took him in, and was joking with the Dr, we hadn't been in in so long! He said...it's only been 6 weeks. UGH...SEEEMED like forever!
Hope you are all sleeping soundly, I'm off to see if it will happen for ME!!!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Link update...
Goodness! Well, I got MOST of the ones of people who left comments. Jack was falling asleep on my lap, so I just scrolled through, with the free hand!
But here's something kinda funny. One of my friends, whose blog I LOVE...Kelly, and her sweet baby Kyden, Her blog isn't linked on her profile. So I googled her. Didn't find HER...but MY site came up in the results, for her comments. How funny is that?? So KELLY....send me the link to your blog!
And I think I got all my "Support" ones. I'm sure I forgot some. Well, guess I'll just add them as I remember.
So if you aren't listed and want to be, let me know!
But here's something kinda funny. One of my friends, whose blog I LOVE...Kelly, and her sweet baby Kyden, Her blog isn't linked on her profile. So I googled her. Didn't find HER...but MY site came up in the results, for her comments. How funny is that?? So KELLY....send me the link to your blog!
And I think I got all my "Support" ones. I'm sure I forgot some. Well, guess I'll just add them as I remember.
So if you aren't listed and want to be, let me know!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
So I found this site that gives free layouts for blogs. Spent the better part of my day looking at them, instead of cleaning...*rolling eyes at myself* Found a few I liked!
So I did what it told me to do, and voila! it was cute! But ALL my links are gone. ALL OF THEM!!!
On my... I almost puked.
So...if you would like to be included on my blog friends list...email me, or leave a comment with the link.
It is SO the story of my life.
Anyway...enjoy the sweet giraffe...:)
So I did what it told me to do, and voila! it was cute! But ALL my links are gone. ALL OF THEM!!!
On my... I almost puked.
So...if you would like to be included on my blog friends list...email me, or leave a comment with the link.
It is SO the story of my life.
Anyway...enjoy the sweet giraffe...:)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Small Miracles
Here is a glimpse into the miracle that happened New Year's Eve 2007.
Believe it or not, I got the whole family, in one room. And actually doing the same thing. Truly a miracle.
For the record, I recorded it, and made the video, for posterity, and to watch next time I want to kill someone. But thought some of YOU might enjoy it as well!! Ok, Grandparents, and family... whatever...don't EVEN try to make fun of me!
Believe it or not, I got the whole family, in one room. And actually doing the same thing. Truly a miracle.
For the record, I recorded it, and made the video, for posterity, and to watch next time I want to kill someone. But thought some of YOU might enjoy it as well!! Ok, Grandparents, and family... whatever...don't EVEN try to make fun of me!
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